

Development to Fit your Needs

Here at ChannelDevs we have a different style of process when evaluating solutions for our clients.

Each business is unique and not every problem is solved with the same tool. Being a development focused technology partner allows us to treat each client uniquely by providing form fitted solutions to solve their challenges, while providing flexibility to adjust and take on new endeavors.

We wholeheartedly believe in transparency. Our practice is asking the business what they are looking to solve for and to provide a clear and transparent path in what it would take to get there. By choosing to partner with ChannelDevs you can be assured that you will be empowered with the knowledge of your options so you can make better decisions for your business.

Enough Theory Get Specific

All of that sounds great, but what exactly do you mean?

Take our approach to Dynamics for Sales. This is a traditional CRM which is fantastic for anyone using the Microsoft suite. We want to ensure that we provide a real executable path forward to an actual deployed product in weeks and not some investment that finally provides a return in years.

We have two options that fit every team.

Jumpstart – Launch with Dynamics in 1 week.

Discovery – For established teams. Engage with us for 2 weeks so we can build a plan to have a product delivered to you in less than 90 days.

Awesome…What Else do you do?

Our Jumpstart is just one of the few ways that we save money some other examples include but are not limited to

End User Portal – Have data you need to share with your clients on a consistent Basis? Add a level of polish that differentiates you from your competition. We have ready to deploy instances that include configuration time to fit your business!

Development as a Service – Develop only what you need. Tell us specifically what you are looking for and we will tell you what it will take to get there. Make individual decisions to solve challenges. Take control of your Technology spending.

HazeyTools – Microservices that we have seen deployed with multiple clients. Need to convert JSON to XML? PDF to HTML? As we notice patterns we develop manners in which you can automate the same processes using our prebuilt connectors. Save thousands of dollars in development by leveraging a toolset that automates this for your process.